Video Goes Viral on Instagram of Judge Vivian Polanial

Publish date: 2024-05-02

Video Goes Viral of Judge Vivian Polanial: Introducing the Viral Video Sensation: Judge Vivian Polanial’s Instagram Delight! Witness the captivating and entertaining viral video that has taken social media by storm. Judge Vivian Polanial showcases her incredible talent and charisma in this full-length viral sensation. Get ready to be mesmerized as she brings justice with a touch of humor, making this video an absolute must-watch for everyone! Watch the full clip at

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Judge Vivian Polanía’s qualifications and professional experience

Judge Vivian Polanía
Judge Vivian Polanía is an accomplished public servant with a strong educational background. She holds a law degree from the Universidad Católica and specializes in constitutional law from the Universidad del Rosario. She is currently pursuing a master’s degree in human rights. Throughout her career, Judge Polanía has gained valuable experience working in various judicial positions, including the Tribunal Superior de Bogotá, the Consejo Seccional de la Judicatura in Bogotá, and the juzgado 24 penal municipal.

Despite not being familiar with Cúcuta, Judge Polanía seized the opportunity to work as a knowledge judge in the city. She is currently serving as a control judge for guarantees in Cúcuta, where she handles criminal gang cases. Her expertise and commitment to justice make her a valuable asset to the judicial system.


– Law degree from the Universidad Católica
– Specialization in constitutional law from the Universidad del Rosario
– Pursuing a master’s degree in human rights

Professional Experience:

– Worked at Tribunal Superior de Bogotá
– Served at Consejo Seccional de la Judicatura in Bogotá
– Currently working as a control judge for guarantees in Cúcuta

Judge Vivian Polanía’s lifestyle and social media presence cause discomfort among colleagues

Judge Vivian Polanía
Judge Vivian Polanía’s lifestyle choices and active presence on social media have stirred controversy among her colleagues within the judicial system. The judge’s preference for sportswear and fitness-focused lifestyle has generated discomfort among some of her peers. Additionally, her frequent postings on Instagram showcasing her tattoos, workout routines, and love for cats have raised eyebrows.

Judge Polanía has faced various criticisms since 2020 when she began sharing more revealing photographs in lingerie on social media. Her posts attracted sponsorship deals from American companies, further fueling the debate surrounding her conduct as a public servant. While some argue that her personal life and social media presence should not influence her professional capabilities, others express concerns about the image she projects to the public.

Controversial Aspects:

– Preference for sportswear and fitness-focused lifestyle
– Revealing photographs on social media showcasing tattoos and workout routines
– Sponsorship deals from American companies

Investigations opened against Judge Vivian Polanía due to controversial behavior

Judge Vivian Polanía has faced multiple investigations over her controversial behavior and actions. In September 2020, the Sala Disciplinaria of the Consejo Superior de la Judicatura in Norte de Santander initiated an investigation following the scandalous headlines labeling her as “the sexiest judge.” A circular was issued by the Consejo Seccional de la Judicatura reminding all judicial officials to maintain appropriate personal presentation befitting their high office.

More recently, in February 2021, the Tribunal Superior del Distrito Judicial de Cúcuta issued a circular recommending judges to keep their cameras on during virtual hearings. However, it is alleged that Judge Polanía did not comply with this recommendation. These incidents have prompted concerns about her professionalism and adherence to judicial norms.

Despite these controversies, it is important to note that investigations are ongoing, and Judge Polanía is entitled to due process and fair treatment.


– Investigation initiated by Sala Disciplinaria of Consejo Superior de la Judicatura in Norte de Santander
– Circular issued by Consejo Seccional de la Judicatura regarding personal presentation
– Investigation launched by Tribunal Superior del Distrito Judicial de Cúcuta
– Ongoing investigations, ensuring due process for Judge Polanía

Investigations opened against Judge Vivian Polanía due to controversial behavior

Multiple investigations have been launched against Judge Vivian Polanía following her controversial behavior during a virtual hearing. In the video that went viral, Judge Polanía appeared semi-nude and smoking while presiding over a judicial proceeding in Cúcuta, Colombia. This incident has sparked a debate about her role as a public servant and the provocative images she shares on social media.

National Disciplinary Commission to investigate

The National Disciplinary Commission has requested an investigation into Judge Vivian Polanía’s conduct during the virtual hearing. The commission has expressed concern about potential disciplinary violations and has called on the Santander Sectional Commission to thoroughly examine the incident. The commission will review reports published by various media outlets regarding the judge’s alleged misconduct.

Criticism from judicial authorities

Judicial authorities have taken measures in response to the controversy surrounding Judge Vivian Polanía’s behavior. In 2020, the Disciplinary Chamber of the Superior Council of Judicature in Norte de Santander initiated an investigation into Judge Polanía after she garnered attention for being labeled as “the sexiest judge.” The council issued a circular reminding all judicial officers to maintain appropriate personal presentation in order to uphold their elevated mission. Additionally, in February 2021, the Cúcuta District Judicial Tribunal recommended that judges keep their cameras on during all court proceedings, a measure that may not have been followed by Judge Polanía.

National Disciplinary Commission requests investigation into Judge Vivian Polanía’s conduct during virtual hearing

The National Disciplinary Commission has officially requested an investigation into Judge Vivian Polanía’s conduct during a recent virtual hearing. This comes after a video circulated on WhatsApp, showing Judge Polanía lying in bed, partially clothed and smoking a cigarette, while attending to official judicial proceedings. The commission has forwarded the reports from various media outlets to the Santander Sectional Commission for consideration of possible disciplinary violations.

Previous investigations into controversial behavior

This is not the first time that Judge Vivian Polanía has been the subject of investigation for her controversial behavior. In September 2020, the Disciplinary Chamber of the Superior Council of Judicature in Norte de Santander opened an investigation into Judge Polanía following the scandal caused by images and headlines labeling her as “the sexiest judge.” These ongoing investigations suggest a pattern of misconduct that has raised concerns among legal authorities.

Personal circumstances and threats received

Close associates of Judge Vivian Polanía have revealed that she has been diagnosed with depression and anxiety. They have also disclosed that she has been living under the protection of security escorts for three years due to death threats received from criminal groups operating along the Venezuela border. These personal circumstances may provide insight into Judge Polanía’s behavior and should be taken into consideration during any investigations or disciplinary actions.

Judicial authorities take measures in response to controversy surrounding Judge Vivian Polanía’s behavior

In response to the controversy surrounding Judge Vivian Polanía’s behavior, judicial authorities have implemented measures aimed at addressing the issue. The Cúcuta District Judicial Tribunal issued a circular recommending that judges keep their cameras turned on during all court proceedings, ensuring transparency and professional conduct. While it is uncertain whether this measure was specifically prompted by Judge Polanía’s actions, it demonstrates a proactive approach by judicial authorities to uphold standards of decorum in virtual hearings.

Debate over personal style and social media presence

Judge Polanía’s personal circumstances, including her fitness-focused lifestyle and provocative social media presence, have generated discomfort among her colleagues in the judicial branch. Her frequent postings of lingerie-clad photos showcasing her over 40 tattoos and home exercise routines have drawn attention and criticism. Despite amassing a following of over 283,000 on Instagram and receiving sponsorships from American companies for promoting their brands, these aspects of Judge Polanía’s personal life have fueled ongoing scrutiny and debate about her suitability as a public servant.

Threats and mental health struggles

In addition to the controversy surrounding her behavior, Judge Vivian Polanía has faced significant challenges in her personal life. She has been diagnosed with depression and anxiety, which has led to her remaining at home under the protection of security escorts for the past three years. These precautionary measures are due to threats she has received from armed groups operating along the Venezuela border. It is important to consider these factors when evaluating Judge Polanía’s conduct during virtual hearings and any potential disciplinary actions that may arise.

Personal Circumstances of Judge Vivian Polanía

Judge Vivian Polanía has faced various personal challenges throughout her career, including mental health struggles and threats received. It has been reported that she has been diagnosed with depression and anxiety, which have greatly impacted her well-being and daily life. As a result, she has been under the protection of armed escorts for the past three years due to death threats from criminal groups operating along the Venezuela border.

These threats have not only affected Judge Polanía’s mental health but also her ability to perform her duties as a judge effectively. The constant fear and stress from these threats make it difficult for her to focus on cases and maintain a sense of security in her personal life. Despite these challenging circumstances, Judge Polanía remains committed to carrying out justice and serving the public.

Controversies Surrounding Judge Polanía

Judge Vivian Polanía’s personal circumstances have attracted attention and criticism from colleagues within the judicial system. Her preference for sportswear and fitness-oriented lifestyle has made some of her peers uncomfortable. Additionally, her frequent posting of provocative photos on social media, showcasing her numerous tattoos and home workout routines, have stirred controversy among colleagues and the general public.

These controversies surrounding Judge Polanía date back to 2020 when she began sharing more revealing images on social media platforms. Her Instagram account, which currently boasts over 283k followers, has gained sponsorships from American companies due to her posts featuring their products. This level of social media presence has further contributed to the scrutiny and judgment directed towards her.

Despite facing backlash for her lifestyle choices, it is important to separate personal conduct from professional ethics when evaluating Judge Polanía’s performance as a judge.

Threats and Mental Health Struggles

Vivian Polanía, the judge who became viral for smoking semi-nude during a virtual hearing, has faced numerous personal challenges throughout her career. Alongside her professional accomplishments, she has also experienced mental health struggles and received threats from criminal groups operating along the Venezuela-Colombia border. Allegedly diagnosed with depression and anxiety, Polanía has been under the protection of bodyguards at her residence for the past three years. These measures were put in place due to the serious threats she has received, highlighting the dangers faced by judicial officials who work on cases involving criminal organizations.

Criticism and Controversies

In addition to her personal circumstances, Judge Vivian Polanía has faced criticism and controversies related to her public image and behavior. Her fitness-focused lifestyle, sportswear attire, and provocative social media posts have generated discomfort among some of her colleagues in the judiciary. Since 2020, she has gained attention for frequently sharing photos of herself in lingerie, showcasing her over 40 tattoos, and documenting home workout routines on Instagram. The judge’s social media presence has led to sponsorships from American companies. However, these actions have stirred controversy within the legal community.

Investigations into Misconduct

Polanía’s conduct during virtual hearings has also come under scrutiny by judicial authorities. Following a video that circulated on WhatsApp showing her conducting a court proceeding while lying semi-nude in bed and smoking a cigarette, the National Commission of Judicial Discipline requested an investigation into whether she had committed disciplinary violations. In September 2020, the Disciplinary Chamber of the Superior Council of Judicature in North Santander initiated an investigation into Polanía after media headlines labeled her as “the sexiest judge.” The Council subsequently issued a circular reminding all judicial officials to maintain a proper appearance befitting their high role. In February 2021, the Cúcuta District Judicial Tribunal issued another circular recommending that judges keep their cameras on during all legal proceedings, a measure that Polanía allegedly failed to adhere to.

Despite the controversies surrounding her conduct, Judge Vivian Polanía has chosen not to publicly address the incidents that have garnered attention. An additional video has since gone viral, capturing an instance where she jokingly recommended a prosecutor to take “a few drops of marijuana,” quickly correcting herself and referring to “drops of valerian.” These events have further fueled discussions about her suitability as a public servant.

Judge Vivian Polanía’s personal circumstances, including mental health struggles and threats received

Judge Vivian Polanía

Judge Vivian Polanía’s personal circumstances have been the subject of much attention and controversy. Apart from her recent viral video where she appeared semi-nude and smoking during a virtual hearing, there are other aspects of her life that have contributed to discussions about her role as a public servant.

Firstly, Judge Polanía has faced mental health struggles. According to sources close to her, she has been diagnosed with depression and anxiety. These conditions have reportedly affected her ability to perform her duties at times and have led to extended periods of time spent at home under the protection of security escorts. It is believed that these mental health issues are connected to the immense pressure and stress associated with her position as a judge in Cúcuta, particularly given the threats she has received.

Indeed, another significant aspect of Judge Polanía’s personal circumstances is the threats she has received from criminal groups operating along the border with Venezuela. For the past three years, she has lived with constant fear for her safety due to these threats. This has resulted in heightened security measures being implemented, including having security escorts accompany her wherever she goes. The nature of these threats is unknown, but they are serious enough for Judge Polanía to require ongoing protection.

Reactions from within the judicial community

The controversial actions and personal circumstances of Judge Vivian Polanía have not gone unnoticed by her colleagues in the judicial community. Many have expressed discomfort and disapproval regarding her attire choices and “fitness” lifestyle on social media. Her frequent posting of provocative images in revealing clothing, showcasing her numerous tattoos and exercise routines have generated criticism among fellow judges. This has created tension within their professional relationships.

In September 2020, following the media frenzy surrounding Judge Polanía being labeled as “the sexiest judge,” the Disciplinary Chamber of the Superior Council of the Judiciary in Norte de Santander opened an investigation into her conduct. This led to a circular being issued by the local judiciary council reminding all court officials to maintain appropriate personal presentation that aligns with the decorum expected of their esteemed positions. Despite these measures, subsequent incidents, including the recent virtual hearing, have brought further attention and scrutiny to Judge Polanía’s actions.

Social media presence and legal implications

One aspect that has added fuel to the controversy surrounding Judge Vivian Polanía is her active social media presence. She boasts a substantial following on Instagram, with over 283,000 followers across two accounts (due to her original account being blocked). Her popularity on the platform has attracted sponsorship from North American companies. However, it has also raised questions about potential conflicts of interest and ethical concerns regarding how she presents herself as a public servant.

The video circulating on WhatsApp showing Judge Polanía conducting a judicial proceeding semi-nude and smoking in bed has prompted inquiries into whether she committed any disciplinary offenses. The National Commission for Judicial Discipline has requested an investigation into her alleged misconduct during this virtual hearing. Additionally, in February 2021, the Cúcuta Judicial District Superior Court issued a circular recommending that judges keep their cameras turned on during all court proceedings – a guideline that appears not to have been followed by Judge Polanía.

While Judge Polanía has remained silent regarding the recent virtual hearing incident, she posted a cryptic message on her Instagram account stating “Only God knows the cross you bear.” It is clear that her personal circumstances, including mental health struggles and threats received, have had significant impacts on both her professional and personal life. The ongoing investigations and debates surrounding her conduct contribute to a complex narrative surrounding this controversial judge.

The viral video featuring Judge Vivian Polanial on Instagram has captured the attention of many. With its widespread reach and high engagement, it highlights the growing influence of social media platforms in disseminating information and impacting public perception. This incident serves as a reminder of the power and potential consequences that come with sharing content online, especially for public figures like Judge Polanial.

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