Longest Snake in the World: Facts and Myths

Publish date: 2024-05-04

Snakes are fascinating creatures that have inspired fear and awe in humans for centuries.

Some of the most impressive snakes are those that can grow to enormous lengths, surpassing the size of any other living reptile.

But which snake is the longest in the world, and how long can it get?

In this article, we will explore the facts and myths about the longest snake in the world, and answer some of the most common questions related to this topic.

Which is bigger anaconda or python?

One of the most popular questions about the longest snake in the world is whether it is an anaconda or a python.

Both of these snakes belong to different families, but share some characteristics, such as being non-venomous constrictors that can prey on large animals.

However, there are also significant differences between them, especially in terms of size and weight.

The anaconda is a member of the boa family and is native to South America.

The anaconda can also grow to more than 29 feet in length, but this is rare.

The python can also weigh up to 350 pounds, but this is uncommon.

If you go by weight, then the anaconda is bigger than the python.

If you go by length, then the python is longer than the anaconda.

Where is the longest snake in the world?

The longest snake in the world that has been verified by scientific measurements is a reticulated python named Medusa

Medusa was measured at 25 feet 2 inches long on October 12, 2011, by Guinness World Records officials.

She weighs about 350 pounds and eats a 40-pound deer every two weeks

The longest snake in the world that has been reported in the wild is a reticulated python that was shot in Celebes (now Sulawesi), Indonesia, in 1912.

According to a Dutch colonial officer who witnessed the event, the snake measured 32 feet 9.5 inches long

However, this record has not been confirmed by scientific methods and may have been exaggerated2

The longest snake in the world that has ever existed is a prehistoric species called Titanoboa, which lived about 60 million years a

Titanoboa was estimated to be 48 feet long and weigh up to one-and-a-half tons, based on fossil evidence.

It was a relative of modern boas and anacondas and fed on crocodiles and turtles in a swampy environment

world’s largest snake 200 ft

There is no evidence that any snake has ever reached 200 feet in length.

This is a myth that circulates on social media and online platforms for years, often accompanied by fake or  images of giant snakes.

Some of these images are based on real snakes that have been enlarged or distorted by digital editing software.

The video was uploaded to YouTube in October 2021 and has been viewed millions of times.

However, the video is actually a clip from a Discovery Channel documentary called “Eaten Alive”, which aired in 2014

The snake shown in the video was not real, but a prop made for the show5

Another example of such a hoax is an image that claims to show an anaconda found in Africa’s Amazon River that measured 134 feet

The image was posted on Facebook in October 2019 and went viral.

However, the image was actually taken from a video game called “Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater”, which was released in 2004

The image was also edited to add a watermark and a caption6

Therefore, the claim that the world’s largest snake is 200 feet long is false and unsupported by any credible source.

Top 10 longest snake in the world

Based on the available scientific data, the top 10 longest snake species in the world are:

Reticulated python (Python reticulatus): up to 30 feet
Green anaconda (Eunectes murinus): up to 29 feet
Burmese python (Python bivittatus): up to 23 feet
African rock python (Python sebae): up to 20 feet
Amethystine python (Morelia amethystine): up to 20 feet
Indian python (Python molurus): up to 19 feet
King cobra (Ophiophagus Hannah): up to 18.8 feet
Yellow anaconda (Eunectes notaeus): up to 15 feet
Boa constrictor (Boa constrictor): up to 14 feet
Cuban boa (Chilabothrus angular): up to 16 feet 2781910

world’s largest snake 48 ft

As mentioned earlier, the longest snake that  lived is Titanoboa, which weighs up to one-and-a-half tons.

Titanoboa was a prehistoric species that lived about 60 million years ago in what is now Colombia.

It was a relative of modern boas and anacondas and fed on crocodiles and turtles in a swampy environment

The longest snake that reported in the wild is a reticulated python that was shot in Celebes  Indonesia

According to a Dutch colonial officer who witnessed the event, the snake measured 32 feet 9.5 inches long

Medusa was measure sat 25 feet 2 inches long on October 12, 2011, by Guinness World Records officials.

She weighs about 350 pounds and eats a 40-pound deer every two weeks

Therefore, there is no evidence that any living snake is 48 feet long or longer.

biggest snake in the world found alive

The biggest snake in the world found alive depends on how you define “biggest”.

If you mean the heaviest, then the green anaconda is the biggest snake in the worldweighing  550 pounds.

The green anaconda is native to South America and can grow to more than 29 feet in length, but this is rare.

The average length of an adult anaconda is about 15 feet.

The green anaconda is mostly aquatic and prefers to live in swamps

It has a green color with black spots and gives birth to live young1

If you mean the longest, then the reticulated python is the longest snake in the world, with some specimens reaching over 30 feet

The reticulated python is native to Asia and can weigh up to 350 pounds, but this is uncommon.

The average length of an adult python is about 20 feet.

The reticulated python is mostly terrestrial and adapts to various habitats, such as grasslands, forests, and deserts.

It has a variety of colors and patterns, depending on the species, and lays eggs that it incubates until they hatch2

The biggest snake in the world found alive by scientific measurements is Medusa, a reticulated python that lives in captivity

Medusa  measures at 25 feet 2 inches long on October 12, 2011, by Guinness World Records officials.

She weighs about 350 pounds and eats a 40-pound deer every two weeks

the longest snake in the world in feet

The longest snake in the world in feet is the reticulated python, which can grow to over 30 feet in length.

The reticulated python is native to Asia and can weigh up to 350 pounds, but this is uncommon.

The average length of an adult python is about 20 feet.

The reticulated python is mostly terrestrial and adapts to various habitats, such as grasslands, forests, and deserts.

It has a variety of colors and patterns, depending on the species, and lays eggs that it incubates until they hatch.

biggest snake in the world found dead

The biggest snake in the world found dead is a matter of controversy, as there are many claims and rumors that are not verified by scientific evidence.

Some of the most famous cases of alleged giant snakes found dead are:

In 2009, a photo of a huge snake carcass floating in a river in Borneo, Indonesia, went viral on the internet.

The snake is  over 100 feet long and 3 feet wide.

The original snake was only about 20 feet long and  villagers  feared it would attack their livestock.

In 2016, a video of a massive snake cut open by construction workers in Brazil

However, the videois exposed as a hoax, as the snake was actually a prop for a movie called “Anaconda 5”.

In 1959, a Belgian helicopter pilot named Remy Van Lierde claimed to have seen and photographed a gigantic snake in the Katanga region of Congo.

He said the snake was about 50 feet long and had a triangular head with a dark brown color.

He also said he tried to attack the snake with his machine gun, but missed.

Some experts have suggested that the snake was actually a much smaller species that appeared larger due to perspective or optical illusion.

Therefore, there is no conclusive evidence that any dead snake has exceeded the size of the living ones.

world’s largest snake found dead over 50 feet

This is another false claim that circulates on social media and online platforms for years

There is no credible source that confirms that any snake has ever reached 50 feet in length or more.

One example of such a hoax is an image that claims to show a green anaconda found dead in Venezuela

Another example of such a hoax is an image that claims to show an African rock python found dead in South Africa


In this article, we have explored the facts and myths about the longest snake in the world and answered some of the most common questions related to this topic

According to a Dutch colonial officer who witnessed the event, the snake measured 32 feet 9.5 inches

The longest snake in the world that has ever existed is a prehistoric species which lived about 60 million year

The heaviest snake in the world is the green anaconda, which can weigh up to 550 pounds and grow to more than 29 feet

The average length of an adult anaconda is about 15 feet.

There is no evidence that any snake has ever reached 200 feet or 50 feet in length.

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